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General renovation of the runway system 11/29 at Schwechat airport

Facts and Figures
Company TEERAG-ASDAG in working group
Principal Flughafen Wien AG
Location Vienna - Austria
Type Airport construction
Runtime 04.2015 - 06.2016

Restoration under strictest safety regulations.

At the core of the general renovation of the runway system 11/29 at Vienna International Airport are the broadening of the Fillets, the inner curves of a taxiway, in the area of taxiways L and M as well as the renovation of the taxiway M in the area A74 and EX4 prescribed by the European Aviation Safety Agency, in short EASA. The fillet broadening required adjustments and relocations of the electrical pipework including shafts as well as the renovation of the drainage systems and taxiway guidance.

The construction execution within the runway safety area, i.e. of 75 m from the runway axis, were carried out in sections at runway closure during night shifts. During operating hours a viable, compressed surface was made available in accordance with regulations. The measures beyond the runway safety area were performed in sections during a continuous day/night operation upon closure of the affected construction area. Outside these restricted areas the normal air traffic was handled in the taxiway system. During the entire construction period, all air-traffic areas, including the associated air traffic control systems, furthermore remained in operation. 

In the course of general renovation of the runway system 11/29 the following measures were carried out:

  • Fillet broadening in the areas of Exit 1-6 and Exit 8-11
  • Fillet broadening in the areas A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11 and A12
  • Renovation of taxiway in the area A4
  • Relocation of the taxiway centrelines lighting in the areas A4 and EX4
  • Updating above ground edge lighting in the area of taxiway A4, A6, A7, A8, A9, A11 and A12 from the runway coming to the holding point
  • Updating the taxiway lighting in the area of taxiway broadening at the taxiways A4, A6, A9 and A11
  • Reallocation of boundary markers in the taxiway and exit areas north of the taxi-holding position