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Industrial construction and special buildings

Design and build of structures and plants for industry

Whether it is a plant, production site or assembly hall: Modern industrial buildings must be perfectly adapted to a company’s production processes and workflows. A new building should not only increase the firm’s added value, but also express its unique identity. This is why many clients are highly demanding when it comes to the design, implementation and logistics of their project. For this, they need an experienced and reliable construction company that not only has the necessary sector-specific and specialised knowledge, but also delivers comprehensive, personal advice.

Successfully implementing highly complex industrial construction projects

As a leading construction company, we realise highly complex projects from the semiconductor and cleanroom industry, the pharmaceutical and medical industries, and the chemicals sector, as well as sophisticated technology and laboratory projects. All design and planning services and their execution are carried out inhouse. This includes the construction of very sensitive and technically demanding clean rooms for the semiconductor industry, building technology planning, the realisation of mobile radio systems, as well as special requirements for protection and shielding measures.

Industrial construction with PORR – best practices

St. Pölten Car Park

St. Pölten, Vienna
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The KLH Wiesenau plant

Bad St. Leonhard, Vienna
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Gas Connect Austria operations building

Baumgarten, Vienna
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Vienna Alfred Vandrovec Technical Branch Manager
Vienna Christian Kachelmayer Commercial Branch Manager
Lower Austria Dieter Haderer Technical Branch Manager
Lower Austria Michael Fehervary Commercial Branch Manager
Burgenland Klaus Tremmel Technical Branch Manager
Burgenland Patrick Oswald Commercial Branch Manager
Upper Austria Alexander Altmüller Technical Branch Manager
Upper Austria Dominik Mayr Commercial Branch Manager
Styria Stefan Lipp Technical Branch Manager
Styria Johann Höden Commercial Branch Manager
Tyrol/Vorarlberg Christof Hilber Branch Manager
Tyrol/Vorarlberg Stefan Plank Commercial Branch Manager
Salzburg Kurt Zwinger Technical Branch Manager
Salzburg Markus Wörthner Commercial Branch Manager
Carinthia Robert Wuggenig Technical Branch Manager
Carinthia Michael Kotomisky Commercial Branch Manager
Major Projects Jürgen Maikisch Technical Branch Manager
Major Projects Werner Willmann Commercial Branch Manager