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Press release

PORR supports Carinthian school with construction materials

Althofen polytechnic welcomes bricks for practical training.

f.l.: Bernhard Beier (teacher PTS), Barbara Novak (headmistress PTS), Gert Kornherr (student), Gottfried Hatzenbichler (work council PORR), Lisa Köppl (student), Kevin Harrich (student), Roman Bergner (student), Jonas Hatzenbichler (student), Robert Wuggenig, Department Manager Building Construction in Carinthia.


Vienna/Carinthia, 21 November 2017 – Well trained specialists are the decisive factor in the success of any company in the construction industry. This is why PORR is committed to the pros of tomorrow and is providing construction materials to Althofen polytechnical college. The new bricks allow apprentices to put their theoretical knowledge into practice at school.
“This is something we also benefit from”, says Paul Lamprecht, Department Manager Building Construction in Carinthia. “We need people who understand their craft. It is important for us to have future skilled labourers coming with as much knowhow as possible from their education. We are happy if we can help with the practical training by providing materials. Supporting the next generation is a key part of our responsibility to society and the foundation of our success”.
Intelligent building needs bright sparks. This motto applies to apprentice training and further education, which are a top priority at PORR. Opportunities for practical training are also promoted internally. For example, the apprentice curriculum at PORR includes an extra five weeks at the training construction site in addition to the mandatory practical component. Apprentices can learn their craft without any time pressure and perfect their skills away from the everyday work on a construction site. 
Info on a career with apprenticeship at PORR is available on the company’s website:


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Melanie Manner Press spokeswoman